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10.08.21 Менеджер

Dear suppliers of fabrics and sewing accessories!

Welcome to Decobay online shop! Our company is looking forward to establishing long-term cooperation with reliable producers of fabrics and sewing accessories.

Having entered the market in 2013, we now cooperate with suppliers from 15 countries and sell fabrics both online and through our retail chain. In Decobay online catalogue you will find high-quality fabrics that can be shipped throughout Belarus.

Hard work of Decobay team has enabled our online shop to become one of the leaders in the local market. Thanks to this, our products are renowned among a vast audience and attract both retail and wholesale customers. We cooperate with major sewing workshops, individual entrepreneurs, and private clients.

In case you become our permanent partner, we will be able to offer to you the following services and benefits:

Publication of your products in our catalogue, elaboration of sample kits for your products

Demand statistics and analysis for certain product groups

Rapid update of prices and other information on your products

Advertisements on our website as well as marketing and e-mail campaigns

We will be glad to cooperate!

If you are interested in cooperating with us, please do not hesitate to contact us using the following contact details:

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